Prepare Now Because You Never Know When


Here are the 15 Kensington locations to dump your flammable canyon and yard trimmings starting September 26!

Funding for this project is made possible thanks to generous support from SDG&E and various Fire Foundation donors. EDCO also donates dumpsters for this event.

Click here for more info on the Dumpathon.

Fairmount Canyon Fire, October 2019, P.C. Ken Burkhart

We all remember the terrifying brush fire that raged in Fairmont Canyon on October 15, 2019. It presumably started in a homeless encampment somewhere off Aldine. If the winds had been blowing west, not east, our Kensington canyons and potentially our homes would have been in peril. That’s why Kensington community members take fire safety seriously. It could happen any time.

Kensington Fire Safe is a community organization under the umbrella Fire Safe Council San Diego County. We are an IRS approved 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to educate Kensington neighbors about fire safety and encourage each other to make our homes fire safe through home hardening, brush clearing and fire-resistant landscaping.

Kensington Fire Safe is a grateful recipient of a grant from SDG&E and the San Diego Regional Fire Foundation. This grant will fund our fall and spring Dumpathons. EDCO also donates dumpsters for these events. Thank you!

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